- Mrs Deb White (Tuesdays & Wednesdays)
- Mrs Jenny Philpot (Monday - Friday)
Careers at Finley High School
Year 9
- Tax file Numbers - students are encouraged in Year 9 to apply for a Tax File Number. These can be organised through the school. Forms can be obtained and returned to the Careers Advisers.
- Introduction To The World Of Work
- Investigating Work Choices
- Developing E Portfolios
- Real Game
Year 10
- Career Interest Test
- Job Investigation
- School To Work
- Subject Selection
- Occupational Health & Safety
- Work Experience
Year 11
- My Career Match Personality Profiling
- Job Matching
- Preparing For The Workplace
- Mock Interviews
- My Future Exit Plan Development
- Study Skills
Year 12
- Career Planning - Transition
- Where to Next - Post School Options
- Tertiary Education - What to Expect
- Tertiary Education Application Processes
As a parent how can I help my student with careers
Some suggestions that you may be able to follow to support your son / daughter in making Career decisions are outlined below:
- Encourage your children to get the most out of education and introducing the concept of lifelong learning
- Talk to them regularly about different occupations. Encourage them to 'think outside the square' , eg encourage them to investigate occupations that they may not know a lot about, especially ones that do not exist in the town we live in. The more you can expose them to different Careers the better
- Challenge stereotypes
- Talk about your own experiences and career decisions and pathways
- Ask them to come and get a 'Job Guide' from the Careers Office. Take the time to read through this, and use it as a starting point when talking about different Careers
- Encourage them to attend any Careers Expo's/Open Days etc that are available to them eg: School Tertiary Excursion, Shepparton Year 10 Careers Day, Bandiana Army Trades Day, CSU My Day, Berrigan Shire Employment Expo, Tertiary Open Days
- Encourage them to start thinking about Work Experience. They will be required to organise two separate placements for Year 10, but the sooner they start thinking about it the better
- If your son/daughter is in Year 12, encourage them to come and talk to Mrs White or Mrs Philpot