Finley High School

Wisdom is Strength

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Year 11 Careers

My Career Match: Personality Profiling

Students use My Career Match which is an online questionnaire that specialises in career profiles for students. It aims to match their personality style with their most suited careers. An online report is generated that outlines these best suited career options, as well as students strengths and identified qualities, which can be useful for resume writing.

Preparing For Entering The Work Force - Mock Interviews

Students undertake a compulsory interview in Term 3, following a unit of preparation which includes application letters, resume writing, interview techniques and  interview etiquette. Students prepare for their interview  during the term and then attend an interview with a local employer. For this they write a resume and cover letter and dress appropriately for the given mock position. This serves as great practice for a real interview situation, helping to ease the nervousness that is often associated with job interviews. The practice of answering common questions in a timely matter and giving a proper greeting and departure can also be hugely beneficial in building future confidence. And finally understanding the process of a formal interview can  be very rewarding. As a result of their interviews students receive unbiased feedback and tips on how to improve their interview technique.

Resources from Mock Interview Presentation from Paul Tilbury:

Building Exit Plans

Year 11 students develop a written Exit Plan that sets out written achievable post school goals. The plans are developed using the My Guide Section of the MyFuture website. Students set out their future goals and outline steps and resources they can utilise to achieve these goals. Students can then update this exit plan as their circumstances change. The benefits of this written plan are that students can easily communicate it with their support personnel, such as parents, Year Advisers and Careers Advisers. Also by going through the process of creating a written plan students are assured that they haven't missed any significant factors that may impact on their achievement of their goals. Finally a written plan can act as a great motivator as students see themselves achieving their goals.

Study Skills

Entering Senior school brings many new challenges for Year 11 students, one of which is knowing how to study for formal exams and complete in depth assessment tasks that are required. The shear volume of work covered in the Senior Prospectus require that for a student to be successful, the most essential skills are basic organisational skills.  In this unit students cover ideas for maintaining motivation and for how to become efficient learners. They learn how to develop critical organizational and time management skills, as well as how to improve their test scores and grades by studying appropriately for different learning styles and different exam styles. They learn to develop balanced weekly timetables which can help them reduce anxiety of upcoming events, as well as techniques for diffusing unwanted stress levels.