Finley High School

Wisdom is Strength

Telephone03 5883 1344

Student study skills support

We tend to think of study skills being someting that is especially important for our senior students. This is true but the skill of studying is like most other skills -it is something that you have to learn, and practice, and refine over a period of time. It is simply just not a case of picking up and becoming proficient at study once you hit the senior school.Good study habits take time to develop - it is really a case of developing good study habits over a period of time.

In truth good study habits involve a number of different things:

  • personal attributes such as time management, perseverence, self control, the capacity to manage stress and workload
  • managing how you work at school and at home
  • having the right environment to study in
  • Having specific skills in areas such as reading, wriiting, resrach and presenttaion
  • Specific study skills such as being to able summarise, and prepare for tests

To help all of our students we encourage you to use the Study Skills Handbook that can be found at

To get accces to this resource you will need the following user name and password:

  • User name -finleyhs
  • Password -54success