Finley High School

Wisdom is Strength

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Year 12 Careers

Year 12

Year 12 is a busy and challenging time for students. They are preparing for Assessment Tasks, Higher School Certificate Exams, Graduation and post school life. There are a great many options and career pathways available to students and they need to utilise their time and available resources to ensure that they find the best possible post school option for them personally.

 Should you need assistance with career planning, please feel free to contact the Careers Staff at FHS.

  • Career Planning - Tranisition

Students revisit and re-evaluate their Exit Plans on myfuture, checking and renewing set goals for their future life. Students spend time updating Resumes, Letters of Application and  their Portfolios. Students become familiar with useful web sites such as those listed below:

NSW Universities

Victorian universities


  • Where to Next - Post School Options

Students explore the range of options available to them post school. Further Study (TAFE, University, Private Providers), Employment, Apprenticeships, Traineeships, Cadetships, GAP Years eg:Travel and Volunteer Work. Students are assisted with finding information on possible options and given time and resources to explore what is involved with each choice. 

  • Tertiary Education - What to Expect

Students are encouraged  to investigate the differences between Tertiary institutions i.e: TAFEs versus Universities versus Private Institutions. Students are further encouraged to take part in an overnight Tertiary Excursion that explores a variety of Victorian city campuses. They will tour campuses, accommodation sites and talk with present student ambassadors.  Ex-FHS students will at various times also be visiting with Year 12 students to discuss their experiences, as will delegates from surrounding Universities and TAFEs.

  • Tertiary Education Application Processes

Students are walked through the University and TAFE application processes from actually applying for courses to applying for things such as Early Entry, Accommodation, Special Consideration of Disadvantage and Scholarships. Students are encouraged to be proactive in their applications and seek assistance when necessary.

HSC Support

There is a range of online resources that are available to help students through this challenging time. Many of the resources are also useful in helping both students and parents understand the Higher School Certificate process and for preparing students for assessments and examinations.

  • HSC online and HSC how it works are useful websites for parents and students.
  • Year 12 students can set up their personal profile on NSW students online . They can also access support materials including the HSC exam timetable and answers to frequently asked questions about the HSC.
  • Students can enhance their preparation for the final exams by working through past HSC exam papers.

After Year 12

It's a good idea for your child to start thinking about careers that suit their interests and abilities as early as possible. You may like to talk with the careers adviser and research options together.

Resources, such as the following sites are readily available:

Future Study and Training Options

For students considering continuing with study, visiting the following links can help them make an informed decision:

Going to careers markets, EXPOS and open days are also good ways to find out what's on offer.

Job searching

These websites list job vacancies and apprenticeship and traineeships opportunities:

Balancing Your Lifestyle

With all that is happening in Year 12 it is important that students remember to try and balance their lifestyle between family, friends, social, sporting and cultural activities. Good lifestyle practices of sleeping, good nutrition, physical activity, study and stress management should all be part of students daily routine.  Should students need help with finding a balanced routine they should talk with either the Careers Advisers or their Year Adviser. the following document can also be a useful guide

balance commitments.