Work Experience Arrangement Form VIC School Leaving Age
2010 is the first year students are required to complete Year 10, and then to continue in either education or training, full-time paid employment, or a combination of education/training and employment until at least age 17.
Find out more at School Leaving Age and , School Leaving Age FAQs or contact our principal, year adviser or careers adviser.
Careers Advice
Year 10 is a great year for students to explore first hand career options. Students are encouraged to attend the Berrigan Shire Local Careers Employment Expo and the Year 10 Shepparton Careers Expo. Students will also have the opportunity to participate in 2 separate weeks of Work Experience which can be undertaken in NSW and Victoria. There will also be focus sessions on subject selection for the Senior School and introductory sessions into VET courses and School based Traineeships.
Should you need assistance or further information on any of these programs please contact the Careers Staff or School Principal.
The Careers Advisory Services Website also is a great tool for students and parents in clarifying course choices, employment opportunities, career pathways or training options.
Choosing Subjects
Below is a useful links for parents and students for choosing subjects for Senior School:
Other vocational options for students to consider could include:
Talk with your child about their options and encourage them to see the careers adviser before making a decision.
When making their decisions, students should consider their abilities, interests and their future career plans and options.
Work Experience
During Term 4 all Year 10 students are expected to undertake 2 weeks of work experience. This can be completed at two separate work places or at one work place for 2 weeks. Students are required with the assistance of their parents and the Careers Staff to identify and locate these placements early in the year. Students are then supported with applying for their placement and insurance cover.
To apply for work experience within NSW students are required to complete and return the Student Placement Record At this link students will find both a printable and interactive version of their placement form. Parents and Employers will also be able to locate here a copy of Parent and Carers Guide to Workplace Learning (revised 2010) and An Employer's Guide to Workplace Learning (Revised 2010)
- Student Placement Record (e-SPR) Interactive Form
- e-SPR User Instructions Instructions for Interactive Form
- Student Placement Record (Note the following revised variations on the generic document)
- Student Work Placement Record: TAFE NSW
- Student Work Placement Record: Private and Community RTO's
- Student Work Placement Record: Using Current Employment for Mandatory Work Placement
- Safety and Emergency Procedures - Student Contact Card - Sample
- Student Contact Card Notes
- An Employer's Guide to Workplace Learning (Revised 2010)
- Parents and Carers Guide to Workplace Learning (Revised 2010)
- Prohibited Activities
- Translated versions of the Parents and Carers Guide to Workplace Learning
Victorian Work Experience Documents
To apply for work experience within VIC students are required to complete and return the following Student Arrangement Form. At the following links students will find a printable version of the VICTORIAN placement form. Parents and Employers will also be able to locate here a copy of Parent and Carers Guide to Workplace Learning and An Employer's Guide to Workplace Learning.
- Work Experience VIC Arrangement Form
- Work Experience VIC Guide For Employers
- Work Experience VIC Parent Guide
Should you have any queries please contact the Careers Staff.