Finley High School

Wisdom is Strength

Telephone03 5883 1344

Year 9 Careers

Year 9

  • Tax file Numbers - students are encouraged in Year 9 to apply for a Tax File Number. These can be organised through the school. Forms can be obtained and returned to  the Careers Advisers. Tax File Numbers are essential for deferring University fees, obtaining some Centrelink benefits, for lodging Tax returns, opening bank accounts, and for when starting work to avoid paying the maximum tax rate. For more information visit or phone 132861
  • Introduction To The World Of Work  and Investigating Work Choices - In these Units students use the resource to examine and then consider possible jobs, occupations and careers. They explore their working options through a job investigation. They investigate the National Qualifications Framework and they explore what it is that employers are looking for in employees. That is, they are introduced to the Employment Related Skills (ERS) in the School to Work program(STW)
  • Developing E Portfolios - students use their Learning Devices to create an E-Portfolio for the collection of their School To Work (STW) achievements. The E Portfolio is created using Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended. Students can then use the STW ERS (Employment Related Skills) to complete on line STW Log Sheets which then act as a record of employment skills. 

  • Definitions of ERS (DOCX 11Kb)
  • E Portfolio Instructions (DOCX 12KB)
  • On Line Log Sheet (PDF 308KB)
  • Sample E Portfolio (PDF 1.4MB)
  • Real Game - Students play the Real Game which is a Career and Life skills program that enables students to see and explore the connections between  school and their future working life. The game is based around role playing, budgeting, planning, balancing life, work and leisure, understanding transferable skills and the role of community and support networks in their future lives. Currently the game is played in hard copy, but from 2011 onwards we hope to maximise the Learning Devices and play the on line version of this game.