If you lose your excursion note or form to complete, find the correct one below and print it off at home.
Media Consent Form
Enduring Media Consent Form.
It is essential that all students return this form to the school. Without consent the school cannot post photos on the website or other media. It also means that the student will not appear in the school magazine, "The Waterwheel". This is a great keepsake for students and the first port of call for reunions etc.
If you would like to be included in "The Waterwheel" but not on other media, please inform the school.
Medical Form
Every student is required to have a medical form filled out and then handed in at the office. Please download your copy here. Medical Form (PDF 1.27MB).
Year 7 Camp
Year 7 will be going on camp at the start of Term 1. All students need to have their notes and deposits in before the end of the school year prior to commencing Year 7.