Frequently asked question
What do I do when...?
School Uniform
What should I do if I don't have the correct school uniform on?
Bring a note to school from your parent/guardian explaining why you are out of uniform. You must give that note to Mrs Coombs in the Pay Office before school so that she can give you a green pass.
What happens if I don't have a note for uniform?
You will be given a red slip to attend a detention at lunchtime. You will lose privileges for repeat offences.
What should I do if I am absent from school because of sickness or another reason?
When you return to school, you must bring a note from your parent/guardian giving the dates you were away and an explanation of why you were away. You give this note to your roll call teacher. Alternatively, parents/guardians can send an email or use the Sentral App to explain an absence.
What should I do if I have to leave school early or attend an appointment during school time?
You need to bring a note from your parent/guardian explaining why you need to leave and at what time. Give this note to either Mrs Coombs in the Pay Office or your Year Advisor before roll call and he/she will give you a leave pass.
Late for school?
You must sign in at the front office of the school. Detentions will be given if you do not have a good reason for being late.
School Sports Carnivals
What do I wear to the swimming or athletics carnival?
Students can come to school wearing anything in their house colours; however, all students must wear the proper school footwear (enclosed, leather shoes) to classes prior to the carnival.
What are the sports houses and colours?
Each student is put into a house/team. If you have brothers or sisters at the school, you will be put in the same team as them.
- Tuppal - Yellow
- Murray - Red
- Finley - Blue
- Coree - Green