BYOD is a solution where students are able to bring their own device to school to access the schools wifi and internet with their tablet or laptop.
You will find a list of specifications to assist you with your purchases in the documents below. All students will be required to submit a signed copy of the user charter before they will be given permission to bring their device to school. Contact the school if you require any further information about this program.
The following document will provide you with the relevant information and policies for the implementation of the BYOD program in our school:
- FHS BYOD Policy Document (DOCX 44KB)
- FHS BYOD Equity Policy Document (DOCX 41KB)
- FHS BYOD User Charter (DOCX 55KB) - please read carefully, sign page 1 and return to school office
- Purchasing a new device - guidelines
Connecting to the school wifi
The following documents will help you with instructions on how to connect to the school wifi when you bring your device to school. Please download the relevant document depending on the type of device you wish to use.
Connect instructions (PDF 503KB).
Please see Mr Tessier in the library, if you have any trouble connecting your device.